Hi, my name is Antoine. I write about things that I love.
Here is a list of my writting articles:
Programming and shaders.
Circular Motions on the GPU - Fragment Shader
Draw pencil effect on the Fragment shader
Proceduralism out of the shader world: Getting back to P5.js
Getting creative on the fragment and pixel shader: A starting journey!
How to Trail in Unity?
From Euler to Quaternions in Unity: The noob guide!
The Hands guide to matrices math in Unity!
Unity HDRP post process guide.
The ray-marching cheatsheet.
Lambertian lighting basic implementation.
ProceduralMesh et C++ dans Unreal..
Notes of learning a specify subject.
The guide for audiobooks downloading
Lifestyle and none technical writtings.
London Journal: A Canadian in the UK...
Banters archives - Written before 2019.
Synth, Gabriel and Jp
My way to Node.js