Shader Code Breakdown

Shaders breakdown is a way to deconstruct and analyze my thought process. Here's a breakdown, line by line.


Here is a basic noise function, or a way to get random-ish on the GPU. We need to look at how Hash functions are defined in shaders. The proper way is to use HashXY, where X is the input vector dimension and Y is the output dimension.

#define RING 50. 
vec2 Hash12(float t) {
    float x = fract(sin(t * 674.3) * 453.2);
    float y = fract(sin(t * 2674.3) * 453.2);
    return vec2(x,y);
// Basic noise function for randomness on GPU

Hash Function Explanation

In short, you can read those shader codes as HashXY, where X is the dimension of input and Y is the dimension of output on a vector level. It's not unusual to see these kinds of functions for multidimensional randomness. You can map any dimension to any dimension, but the most useful tool is a single float to multiple outputs, which is incredible for linear algebra and transformations.

vec2 Hash12(float t/*input*/) {
    return x;
// Example of a Hash function in shaders

Code for 2D

Now, let's make it 2D. This involves adjusting the Hash function to work with two-dimensional inputs.

#define RING 50. 
vec2 Hash12(float t) {
    float x = fract(sin(t * 674.3) * 453.2);
    float y = fract(sin(t * 2674.3) * 453.2);
    return vec2(x,y);
// Function for 2D randomness

Main Image Function

The 'mainImage' function is where the magic happens. It's responsible for generating the final image based on the UV coordinates and other shader inputs.

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {
    // ... (rest of the shader code)
// Main function for generating the image

First Layer Function

The 'layer1' function is a crucial part of the shader, contributing to the color accumulation and overall visual effect.

vec3 layer1(vec2 uv)
    // ... (rest of the shader code)
// Layer function for color accumulation

This concludes the breakdown of the shader code, providing insights into the thought process and techniques used in shader programming.